Using Peak Resources

To create images, workflows or services via the Command Line Interface (CLI), we can define a YAML file or pass the required options through command line arguments. This YAML file includes the payload, metadata, and configuration of the image. By utilizing jinja syntax, we have the ability to pass parameter value as {{value}}, with the actual value being specified in a separate YAML file.

Defining Parameters in Resource Creation

While creating resources, we can define parameters in a separate file and then use them in the actual file. We can refer the parameters by enclosing the parameter names in {{ }} and specifying the file path after the -v flag in the command. We can also add parameters by adding the desired key-value pair after the -p flag. If we specify both -v and -p, the parameters defined on the command line will overwrite the parameters defined in the file.

Consider the following parameters file:

# params.yaml

git_token: "random_git_token"
npm_token: "random_npm_token"

Consider the simple yaml file where we want to use the parameters defined in the above file:

# image.yaml

    name: upload-image
    version: 0.0.1-test
    description: Creating a new upload type image
    type: workflow
        source: upload
        useCache: false
            - name: git_token
              value: {{ git_token }}
            - name: npm_token
              value: {{ npm_token }}
        context: "."
    path: "."
        - ".gitignore"
        - ".dockerignore"

We can use the following command to create an image:

peak images create -v path/to/params.yaml path/to/image.yaml

In the above example, the {{ git_token }} and {{ npm_token }} will be replaced by the values defined in the params.yaml file.

We can also add parameters by adding the desired key-value pair after the -p flag. If we specify both -v and -p, the parameters defined on the command line will overwrite the parameters defined in the file.

peak images create path/to/image.yaml -p git_token=git_token_value -p npm_token=npm_token_value

Similar approach can be used for creating other resources as well.

Using a combination of command line options and yaml

For creating resources such as images and services, we can use a combination of command line options and the yaml. In this case the command line options will take precedence over the yaml values.

Consider the following example for creating a service:

# service_params.yaml

imageId: 2
versionId: 2
# service.yaml
    name: my-service
    title: New Service
    description: A new service
    serviceType: web-app
        imageId: {{ imageId }}
        versionId: {{ versionId }}
peak services create -v path/to/service_params.yaml <service-id> path/to/service.yaml --image-id 3

In the above example, the imageId will be overwritten by the command line options and the final service body will look like:

    "name": "my-service",
    "title": "New Service",
    "description": "A new service",
    "serviceType": "web-app",
    "imageDetails": {
        "imageId": 3,
        "versionId": 2

Creating Resource Dependencies with Artifacts

If we want to create a resource such as image, but we don’t want it to be source directly from the source code repository, then we will need to pack all the files we might need to build the image and pack them into an zip archive which is called Artifact.

More information for Artifact can be found in Artifact and Compression Doc.

Interacting with Peak resources