Using Workflow HTTP Steps

  • Let’s say you have a workflow that crunches some data, and produces some awesome output. Now you want to send this output to an external service by making an API call. Or, you just want to send a slack message with the result of the previous step? How do you achieve this?

  • Workflows have just the perfect solution for this - HTTP Step. The HTTP Step allows you to make an HTTP API call with any Authentication mechanism and payload. The best part - you can use the outputs of parent steps to create an awesome, dynamic payload.

Before we look into the examples, let’s see how we can create an HTTP step and the different parameters that it supports.


As mentioned above, the HTTP step allows you to make an API call to the provided URL with a given payload and headers. So, to create an HTTP step, you need to define the following parameters:

  • method: The HTTP method to use when making the API call.

    • Allowed values are - get, post, put, patch, and delete

  • url: The URL to make the API call to.

  • payload: The stringified payload to be passed when making a non-GET request.

    • The payload can be a static value or it can be parameterised as well.

    • {{}} syntax can be used to add value from input parameters in the payload.

    • Let’s say, you have an input parameter called data and a custom-type secret called secret. To use these as values in the payload, you can use the following syntax

          "data": "{{data}}",
          "secret": "{{SECRET_CUSTOM}}",
          "static": "value"
    • But that’s not all, you can parameterise the whole payload as well by using the following syntax


      In this case, the payload is taken from an input parameter called payload which should be a valid JSON.

  • auth: The authentication method to be used while making the API call. This is an object with following values

    • type: The type of authentication to be used.

      • Allowed values are - no-auth, oauth, basic, api-key, and bearer-token.

    • Each authentication type has different set of required parameters

      • no-auth: Select this if you want to hit the API without any Authorization header.

      • oauth: In this case the access token is fetched first using the given parameters, and then this access token is passed in the Authorization header. We only support client credentials grant type.

        • clientId: The client ID to be used to get the access token. The value should be the name of the external credential containing the client ID.

        • clientSecret: The client secret to be used to get the access token. The value should be the name of the external credential containing the client secret.

        • authUrl: The URL that is hit to get the access token.

      • basic: This takes the username and password which are base64-encoded to get the value for the authorization header. Required parameters are

        • username

        • password

      • api-key: This calls the API with the given API Key. Required parameter

        • apiKey: The name of the external credential that contains the API key.

      • bearer-token: This calls the API with the given bearer token. Don’t prepend Bearer to the token, the step handles that for you.

        • bearerToken: The name of the external credential that contains the bearer token.

  • headers: The headers to be passed when making the API call. This is an object with following two values

    • absolute: An object with the key representing the name of the header and value representing the static value for the header.

    • secrets: An object with the key representing the name of the header and value representing the name of the external credential which contains the value of the header.

      • Any sensitive data should be passed as a secret only.

Here’s an example workflow config for a workflow with a single HTTP step

    name: http-workflow
    triggers: []
    watchers: []
    tags: []
            type: http # The step type, it should be http for HTTP step
            method: get # The HTTP method to use for making the API call
            url: # The URL to make the call to
                type: oauth # The authentication type
                # Parameters needed for the given authentication type
                clientId: client-id
                clientSecret: client-secret
                authUrl: https://get-access-token
            payload: "{}" # The stringified payload that should be passed while making the API call
                    x-auth-tenant: some-tenant # Headers with absolute value
                    x-auth-token: token # Headers that take value from external credentials

Now let’s checkout some real-world examples to see how the step can be used.


Send output in an Email

Let’s say, we have a workflow with a standard step that does some processing and produces some output. We now want to send this output as an email to our customers. We can use the HTTP step combined with the send email API to achieve this. Here’s a sample workflow config that can help in achieving this

    name: process-data
    triggers: []
    watchers: []
    tags: []
        process-data: # Standard step that produces the required output
            type: standard
            imageId: 1
            imageVersionId: 1
            command: "python" # The script runs and adds the output to output.txt
                instanceTypeId: 21
                storage: 10GB
            parents: []
                result: "output.txt" # Expose the output from output.txt as output parameter named "result"
        send-email: # HTTP step to send email
            type: http
            method: post # Make a POST request to the given URL
            url: # The URL to make the API call to
            payload: |
                    "recipients": ["{{email}}"],
                    "cc": [],
                    "bcc": [],
                    "subject": "Here's your output",
                    "templateName": "awesome_template",
                    "templateParameters": {
                        "output": "{{result}}"
                type: api-key # Use API Key authentication
                apiKey: tenant-api-key # The value of the tenant-api-key secret would be passed in the authorization header
                    "Content-Type": "application/json" # Pass the Content-Type header with application/json value
                    email: ""
                    result: result # Inherit the result output parameter from the process-data step as input parameter

In the above example, process-data step outputs the data in an output parameter called result. The result output parameter is then added as a parameter in the send-email step which uses it in the payload to pass in the templateParameters.

Ingest data from external API

Let’s say, we have a workflow with in which we first want to fetch some data from an external API, then process it, and finally store it in some table. HTTP step can help with this as well. Here’s what we can do

  • Create an HTTP step that hits the API. HTTP steps stores the API response in a file called response.txt. This is already available as output to be consumed via output parameters

  • The output parameter from the HTTP step can be used in a standard step to get the data and perform processing.

  • Here’s a sample implementation for the same

        name: process-data
        triggers: []
        watchers: []
        tags: []
            get-data: # HTTP step that fetches data from the given API
                type: http
                method: get # Make a GET request to the given URL
                    type: oauth # Use OAuth authentication
                    clientId: tenant-client-id
                    clientSecret: tenant-client-secret
                    # The given URL will be hit to get the access token first, which would then be passed in Authorization header
                        "Content-Type": "application/json"
                    result: response.txt # Add the API response in an output parameter called result
            process-data: # Standard Step that processes the ingested data
                type: standard
                imageId: 1
                imageVersionId: 1
                command: "python"
                    instanceTypeId: 21
                    storage: 10GB
                parents: ["get-data"]
                        result: result # Inherit the API response from the get-data step in an input parameter called result

In the above example, process-data step outputs the data in an output parameter called result. The result output parameter is then added as a parameter in the send-email step which uses it in the payload to pass in the templateParameters.