Deployments client module.
Returns a Deployment client.
- Parameters:
session (Optional[Session]) – A Session Object. If no session is provided, a default session is used.
- Returns:
the Deployment client object
- Return type:
- class
Client class for interacting with Deployments.
- Parameters:
session (Session) –
- execute_resources(deployment_id)
Trigger the resources of an app or block deployment. This will execute the resources of the latest revision of the deployment.
- Parameters:
deployment_id (str) – ID of the app or block deployment to trigger resources for.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing the details of the triggered deployment.
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
- Raises:
BadRequestException – The given parameters are invalid.
UnauthorizedException – The credentials are invalid.
ForbiddenException – The user does not have permission to perform the operation.
InternalServerErrorException – The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
- list_deployments(status: List[str] | None = None, kind: str | None = None, term: str | None = None, sort: List[str] | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, page_number: int | None = None, *, return_iterator: Literal[False]) Dict[str, Any]
- list_deployments(status: List[str] | None = None, kind: str | None = None, term: str | None = None, sort: List[str] | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, page_number: int | None = None, *, return_iterator: Literal[True] = True) Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]
List all App & Block Deployments ordered by creation date. Returns info on the latest revision of each deployment.
- Parameters:
status (List[str] | None) – List of statuses to filter deployments. Valid values are deploying, deployed, deleting, delete_failed, failed, platform_resource_error, redeploying, rollback, rollback_complete, rollback_failed, and warning.
kind (str | None) – Return deployments of the kind specified.
term (str | None) – Return deployments containing the specified term in name, title, description and summary.
sort (List[str] | None) – List of fields with desired ordering in the format [<field>:<order>, …], where order is one of [‘asc’, ‘desc’] and field is an ordered parameter within the response, defaults to []. Valid fields are createdAt, createdBy, name and title.
page_size (int | None) – Number of deployments to include per page.
page_number (int | None) – The page number to retrieve. Only used when return_iterator is False.
return_iterator (bool) – Whether to return an iterator object or list of deployments for a specified page number, defaults to True.
- Returns:
An iterator object which returns an element per iteration, until there are no more elements to return. If return_iterator is set to False, a dictionary containing the list and pagination details is returned instead.
Set return_iterator to True if you want automatic client-side pagination, or False if you want server-side pagination.
- Return type:
Iterator[Dict[str, Any]] | Dict[str, Any]
- Raises:
BadRequestException – The given parameters are invalid.
UnauthorizedException – The credentials are invalid.
ForbiddenException – The user does not have permission to perform the operation.
InternalServerErrorException – The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
StopIteration – There are no more pages to list.
- patch_parameters(deployment_id, body)
Get the parameters for a deployment at run time.
- Parameters:
deployment_id (str) – The ID of the deployment.
body (Dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary containing the updated parameters.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing the updated parameters.
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
- Raises:
BadRequestException – The given parameters are invalid.
UnauthorizedException – The credentials are invalid.
ForbiddenException – The user does not have permission to perform the operation.
NotFoundException – The given deployment does not exist.
InternalServerErrorException – The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.